• Connaissez-vous des sexsomniaques? La sexsomnie, un trouble du sommeil entraînant un comportement sexuel involontaire ou inconscient, est une réelle maladie, selon des chercheurs américains, qui ont présenté leurs travaux le 7 juin à SLEEP 2010, le 24e congrès annuel de l'APSS (Associated Professional Sleep Societies) à San Antonio, au Texas (États-Unis). La sexsomnie rappelle le somnambulisme. Les personnes qui en souffrent semblent être éveillées, et entreprennent un acte sexuel alors qu'elles sont encore endormies. Sharon Chung, chercheuse au Laboratoire de recherche sur le sommeil de l'University Health Network à Toronto, au Canada, a expliqué au site scientifique LiveScience qu'«aucune étude précédente ne s'est penchée sur la fréquence avec laquelle la sexsomnie se produit». Sharon Chung a étudié 832 personnes (428 hommes, 404 femmes) demandeuses d'aide dans des cliniques du sommeil, et découvert que 63 d'entre elles (7,6%) souffraient de sexsomnie. L'étude portait sur les symptômes de troubles du sommeil dont souffraient les personnes, sur leur comportement pendant le sommeil, sur leur fatigue, leur état d'assoupissement et leur humeur. «Si notre découverte de 8% de personnes souffrant de sexsomnie semble un chiffre très élevé, il faut souligner que nous avons seulement étudié des patients venus dans une clinique du sommeil. Nous nous attendons à ce que les chiffres soient bien plus bas dans la population globale», met en garde Sharon Chung. L'étude montre que les hommes (11%) sont plus susceptibles de souffrir de sexsomnie que les femmes (4%), mais Sharon Chung souligne qu'«il semble que les patients n'en parlent en général pas à leur médecin». Les personnes souffrant de sexsomnie avaient deux fois plus de chances de mentionner l'usage de «drogues illicites», par rapport aux personnes souffrant d'autres troubles du sommeil. La consommation de tabac et de café était en revanche similaire.

    BLAGUE DU JOUR 1 : Le coup de téléphone L'employé répond au téléphone... -Eh ma poule! Tu bouges tes p'tites fesses et tu me montes un café-croissant! Au plus vite! - Hé l'cave, tu me prends pour qui? - Wow Wow. Tu sais à qui tu parles? Au Président! - Et toi idiot? Tu sais à qui tu parles? --Non! - Parfait. Et il raccroche.

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    MERCI MERCI » c’est le mot par excellence plein de reconnaissance » Ouvre ton cœur et dis merci! Merci d’être là, Merci de me sourire, Merci de m’aimer telle que je suis, Merci pour tout mais avant tout « MERCI » au Ciel de t’avoir mise sur mon chemin! C’est le plus cadeau, ton amour et ton cœur…mon grand bonheur! Douce au cœur plein de reconnaissance… une fleur ne pousse jamais toute seule. Elle a besoin d’eau, de soins mais surtout d’amour. Cultive l’amour, tu récolteras la tendresse. Si l’amour te fuit un jour, ne crains rien, un autre amour viendra à ton secours. Ne laisse pas ton cœur se dessécher! Reprends-le et sois bonne avec lui… il a vraiment besoin d’une main qui le dépose sur son cœur, sa chaleur! Toi, mon amie, tu as fait grandir un jardin dans mon cœur, le soleil le réchauffe de ton amour, le soleil de ton cœur. En toi, douce amie, j’ai senti les larmes descendent sur mes joues, j’ai senti la chaleur de ton cœur les assécher et reprendre mon sourire et continuer, continuer… Et j’irai avec la main de mon cœur prendre la tienne et traverser le chemin de la vie avec confiance… « MERCI » douce fleur que le Ciel a tendrement mise sur ma route! La route de la vie, de l’amour, de la confiance !

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  • The wisdom behind calamities arfres I often hear that there is great wisdom behind the calamities that befall people. What is this wisdom?. Praise be to Allaah. Yes, there is great wisdom behind calamities, including the following: 1 – To attain true submission and servitude (‘uboodiyyah) to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds. Many people are slaves to their whims and desires and are not true slaves of Allaah. They say that they are slaves of Allaah, but when they are tested they turn on their heels and lose out in this world and in the Hereafter, and that is an evident loss. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And among mankind is he who worships Allaah as it were upon the edge (i.e. in doubt): if good befalls him, he is content therewith; but if a trial befalls him he turns back on his face (i.e. reverts to disbelief after embracing Islam). He loses both this world and the Hereafter. That is the evident loss” [al-Hajj 22:11] 2 – Trials prepare the believers to prevail on earth It was said to Imam al-Shaafa’i (may Allaah have mercy on him): Which is better, patience or tests or prevailing? He said: Prevailing is the level attained by the Prophets, and there can be no prevailing except after trials. If a person is tried he will become patient, and if he remains patient he will prevail. 3 – Expiation of sins al-Tirmidhi (2399) narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Trials will continue to befall the believing man or woman in himself, his child and his wealth until he meets Allaah with no sin on him.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2399), classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, 2280. It was narrated that Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) “When Allaah wills good for His slave, He hastens the punishment for him in this world, and when Allaah wills ill for His slave, he withholds the punishment for his sins from him his sin until he comes with all his sins on the Day of Resurrection.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2396); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah (1220). 4 – Attainment of reward and a rise in status Muslim (2572) narrated that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The believer is not harmed by a thorn or anything greater, but Allaah will raise him in status thereby, or erase a sin thereby.” 5 – Calamities provide an opportunity to think about one's faults and shortcomings and past mistakes. Because if it is a punishment, what was the sin? 6 – Calamity is a lesson in Tawheed, faith and trust in Allaah It shows you in a practical sense what you really are, so you will realize that you are a weak slave, and you have no strength and no power except with your Lord, then you will put your trust in Him in a true sense, and will turn to Him in a true sense, and put aside your position, pride, arrogance, self-admiration and heedlessness, and you will understand that you are poor and in need of your Lord, and you are weak and need to turn to the Most Strong, the Almighty, may He be glorified. Ibn al-Qayyim said: Were it not that Allaah treats His slaves with the remedy of trials and calamities, they would transgress and overstep the mark. When Allaah wills good for His slaves, He gives him the medicine of calamities and trials according to his situation, so as to cure him from all fatal illnesses and diseases, until He purifies and cleanses him, and then makes him qualified for the most honourable position in this world, which is that of being a true slave of Allaah (‘uboodiyyah), and for the greatest reward in the Hereafter, which is that of seeing Him and being close to Him. End quote. Zaad al-Ma’aad, 4/195 7 – Calamities drive out self-admiration from our hearts and bring them closer to Allaah Ibn Hajr said: Yoonus ibn Bukayr narrated in Ziyaadaat al-Maghaazi that al-Rabee’ ibn Anas said: A man said on the day of Hunayn: “We will never be defeated today for lack of numbers.” That upset the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and then they were defeated. Ibn al-Qayyim said in Zaad al-Ma’aad (3/477): In His wisdom, Allaah decreed that the Muslims should first taste the bitterness of defeat, despite their great numbers and adequate equipment and strength, so as to humble some people who felt proud as a result of the conquest of Makkah and who had not entered His land and His sanctuary as the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had entered it, bending his head whilst riding his horse to the extent that his chin almost touched the saddle, out of humbleness before his Lord. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And that Allaah may test (or purify) the believers (from sins) and destroy the disbelievers” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:141] al-Qaasimi (4/239) said: i.e., to cleanse them and purify them of sin and of pride and arrogance. He also cleanses them of the hypocrites, and make them stand out distinct from them… then He mentions another reason, which is “to destroy the disbelievers”, for if they prevail they will transgress and overstep the mark, which will be the cause of their downfall and destruction. The laws of Allaah dictate that when He wants to destroy His enemies and erase them, he makes available to them the means which will lead to their doom and eradication, among the greatest of which, after their kufr, is their transgression and tyranny in persecuting, opposing and fighting His close friends… Allaah destroyed those who waged war against the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) on the day of Uhud and persisted in kufr. End quote. 8 – To demonstrate the true nature of people, for there are people whose virtue is unknown until calamity strikes al-Fudayl ibn ‘Iyaad said: As long as people are doing fine, their true nature is concealed, but when calamity strikes, their true natures are revealed, so the believer resorts to his faith and the hypocrite resorts to his hypocrisy. Al-Bayhaqi narrated in al-Dalaa’il that Abu Salamah said: Many people were confused – i.e., after the Isra’ – and some people came to Abu Bakr and told him. He said: “I bear witness that he is telling the truth.” They said: “Do you believe that he went to Syria in one night then came back to Makkah?” He said: “Yes, and I believe him in more than that, I believe what he says of the Revelation that comes to him from heaven.” And because of that he was named al-Siddeeq. 9 – Calamities strengthen people’s resolve Allaah chose for His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) a hard life filled with all kinds of hardship from a young age, in order to prepare him for the great mission that awaited him, which none could bear but the strongest of men, who have gone through hardship and who are tested with calamities and bear them with patience. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was born an orphan, then it was not long before his mother died too. Allaah reminded the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) of that when He said (interpretation of the meaning): “Did He not find you O Muhammad) an orphan and give you a refuge?” [al-Duha 93:6] It is as if Allaah wanted to prepare the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to bear responsibility and endure hardship from an early age. 10 – Another reason behind calamities and hardship is that a person becomes able to distinguish between true friends and friends who only have their own interests at heart. 11 – Calamities remind you of your sins so that you can repent from them. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Whatever of good reaches you, is from Allaah, but whatever of evil befalls you, is from yourself” [al-Nisa’ 4:79] “And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much” [al-Shoora 42:30] Calamities offer an opportunity to repent before the greater punishment comes on the Day of Resurrection. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And verily, We will make them taste of the near torment (i.e. the torment in the life of this world, i.e. disasters, calamities) prior to the supreme torment (in the Hereafter), in order that they may (repent and) return (i.e. accept Islam)” [al-Sajdah 32:21] The “near torment” is hardship in this world and bad things that happen to a person. If life continues to be easy, a person may become conceited and arrogant, and think that he has no need of Allaah, so by His mercy He tests people so that they may return to Him. 12 – Calamities show you the true nature of this world and its transience, and that it is temporary conveniences, and shows us that true life is that which is beyond this world, in a life in which there is no sickness or exhaustion. “Verily, the home of the Hereafter that is the life indeed (i.e. the eternal life that will never end), if they but knew” [al-‘Ankaboot 29:64] But this life is just hardship and exhaustion. “Verily, We have created man in toil” [al-Balad 90:4] 13 – Calamities remind you of the great blessings of good health and ease. This calamity shows you in the clearest way the meaning of health and ease that you enjoyed for many years, but did not taste their sweetness or appreciate them fully. Calamities remind you of blessings and the One Who bestows them, and cause you to thank and praise Allaah for His blessings. 14 – Longing for Paradise You will never long for Paradise until you taste the bitterness of this world. How can you long for Paradise when you are content with this world? This is some of the wisdom behind calamities, and the interests attained by them, and the wisdom of Allaah is great indeed. And Allaah knows best.

    Is the wife’s sister considered to be a mahram? ar Is the wife’s sister considered to be a mahram?. Praise be to Allaah. The wife’s sister is considered to be a “stranger” (non-mahram) to her sister’s husband, so it is not permissible for him to look at her, or be alone with her, or to shake hands with her. Some people think that because she is forbidden in marriage to the husband that it is permissible to look at her and be alone with her and shake hands with her, but this is wrong. What is meant by forbidden in marriage here is that it is not permissible for a man to be married to a woman and her sister at the same time; similarly it is forbidden to be married to a woman and her paternal aunt or a woman and her maternal aunt at the same time. The prohibition on being married to a woman and her sister at the same time is mentioned in the Qur’aan. Allaah has stated that among the women who are forbidden in marriage, as He says (interpretation of the meaning): “and two sisters in wedlock at the same time” [al-Nisa’ 4:23] And it is stated in the saheeh Sunnah that it is forbidden to be married to a woman and her paternal aunt at the same time, or to be married to a woman and her maternal aunt at the same time. Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 4821; Muslim, 1408. So what is forbidden is to be married to two sisters at the same time, and the wife’s sister is not forbidden to the husband for marriage in a permanent sense. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about a woman who lives with her married sister and does not wear hijab in front of her sister’s husband. She says that she is temporarily a mahram (forbidden in marriage) to him. What is your response to that? He replied: This woman is confused. It is not permissible for her sister’s husband to marry her so long as her sister is with him, so she is forbidden in marriage to him for a certain period, not permanently. But her understanding is mistaken because those who are forbidden in marriage for a certain period are not mahrams. The mahrams are those to whom marriage is permanently forbidden either because of blood ties or for a permissible reason, namely ties of marriage or ties created through breastfeeding. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And marry not women whom your fathers married, except what has already passed; indeed it was shameful and most hateful, and an evil way. 23. Forbidden to you (for marriage) are: your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your father’s sisters, your mother’s sisters, your brother’s daughters, your sister’s daughters, your foster mothers who gave you suck, your foster milk suckling sisters, your wives’ mothers, your stepdaughters under your guardianship, born of your wives to whom you have gone in — but there is no sin on you if you have not gone in them (to marry their daughters), — the wives of your sons who (spring) from your own loins, and two sisters in wedlock at the same time, except for what has already passed; verily, Allaah is Oft‑Forgiving, Most Merciful” [al-Nisa’ 4:22-23] Allaah did not say, “And the sisters of your wives.” What is forbidden is to be married to two sisters at the same time. Based on this, we say to the sister of the questioner, who says that her sister speaks to her sister’s husband and does not wear hijab in front of him, and says that they are temporary mahrams, that this is a mistaken notion and is not correct. This is not the matter of being temporary mahrams, because what is forbidden is to be married to two sisters at the same time, as Allaah says: “and two sisters in wedlock at the same time”. The case of the wife’s sister is not as the questioner understands it.

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  • Seven important things you just have to tell your partner. A relationship is based on conversation between the two people involved, more than anything else. At times, there's no way around but to be vocal about certain things, when with your partner. While it may be hurtful or unpleasant at the moment, more than often, it does good in the long haul. Here are seven thing you must let your partner know, to be in a healthy relationship. Sex? Not now, please So you are not in the mood to do it and he is probing you about the same? Don't just give in to his demands or feel obliged to do the bed-deed, because it's OK to say no. Be vocal about times when you don't want to have sex. This is an important detail you should not keep away from him. My expectations Where's this relationship heading at? You prefer the FWB (friends with benefits) bit, or is this something much more than the regular attraction, or are you sure about a future with this man? These are things he needs to know, because well, you've got to be sure how he feels about it too, right? Love? Not you You've been with this man for four years, but in between met another 'Mr Right'. Let him know about this. It is important, and don't just ignore the conversation because you think it'll break his heart. If so, you will be extremely unfair not only to yourself, but also to the two other men involved. I spent that much... A little spending here and there can be information avoided. But if you've had a major dent in your wallet like never before, or bought something unimaginably extravagant, be it jewellery, property or something else under the sun, it's best you let your man know. Such matters do make a difference at times. I'm upset His aunt taunted you on the way you dress, or his brother's girlfriend has made it clear that she thinks you're annoying; anything to do with his family or friends that makes you uncomfortable, discuss with him. Tell him what you feel about it and also ask him if there's anything you can do to save the situation. Likes, dislikes and more Things that end up being a bone of contention, in the long run, such as likes, dislikes, preferences in terms of food and other activities, also serious past relationships, must not be kept a secret from your partner. You don't want to run into troubled waters later in life, would you? I need space Sometimes you just need your lone time and then there's no two ways about it. But make sure when you do need that space of your own, you tell your guy the same, so you can avoid any conflicts at the moment. You know, he wouldn't know what you feel at the moment unless you tell him.


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  • Seven important things you just have to tell your partner. A relationship is based on conversation between the two people involved, more than anything else. At times, there's no way around but to be vocal about certain things, when with your partner. While it may be hurtful or unpleasant at the moment, more than often, it does good in the long haul. Here are seven thing you must let your partner know, to be in a healthy relationship. Sex? Not now, please So you are not in the mood to do it and he is probing you about the same? Don't just give in to his demands or feel obliged to do the bed-deed, because it's OK to say no. Be vocal about times when you don't want to have sex. This is an important detail you should not keep away from him. My expectations Where's this relationship heading at? You prefer the FWB (friends with benefits) bit, or is this something much more than the regular attraction, or are you sure about a future with this man? These are things he needs to know, because well, you've got to be sure how he feels about it too, right? Love? Not you You've been with this man for four years, but in between met another 'Mr Right'. Let him know about this. It is important, and don't just ignore the conversation because you think it'll break his heart. If so, you will be extremely unfair not only to yourself, but also to the two other men involved. I spent that much... A little spending here and there can be information avoided. But if you've had a major dent in your wallet like never before, or bought something unimaginably extravagant, be it jewellery, property or something else under the sun, it's best you let your man know. Such matters do make a difference at times. I'm upset His aunt taunted you on the way you dress, or his brother's girlfriend has made it clear that she thinks you're annoying; anything to do with his family or friends that makes you uncomfortable, discuss with him. Tell him what you feel about it and also ask him if there's anything you can do to save the situation. Likes, dislikes and more Things that end up being a bone of contention, in the long run, such as likes, dislikes, preferences in terms of food and other activities, also serious past relationships, must not be kept a secret from your partner. You don't want to run into troubled waters later in life, would you? I need space Sometimes you just need your lone time and then there's no two ways about it. But make sure when you do need that space of your own, you tell your guy the same, so you can avoid any conflicts at the moment. You know, he wouldn't know what you feel at the moment unless you tell him.

    Sept choses importantes que vous avez juste à dire à votre partenaire. une relation est basée sur la conversation entre les deux personnes impliquées, plus que toute autre chose. Parfois, il n'y a pas moyen de contourner, mais à faire entendre sur certaines choses, quand avec votre partenaire. Bien qu'il puisse être nuisible ou désagréable pour le moment, plus que souvent, il fait du bien dans le long terme. Voici sept chose que vous devez laisser savoir à votre partenaire, d'être dans une relation saine. sexuelle? Pas maintenant, s'il vous plaît Donc vous n'êtes pas d'humeur à le faire et il vous profond sur la même? Ne pas céder à ses exigences ou se sentir obligé de faire le lit-acte, parce que c'est OK de dire non. Soyez vocal des moments où vous ne voulez pas avoir des relations sexuelles. C'est un détail important que vous ne devriez pas rester loin de lui. Mes attentes Où est cette relation rubrique à? Vous préférez le bit FWB (amis avec des avantages), ou est-ce quelque chose de plus que l'attraction régulière, ou êtes-vous un avenir avec cet homme? Ce sont des choses dont il a besoin de savoir, parce que bien, vous devez être sûr de savoir comment il se sent à ce sujet aussi, non? amour? Pas vous Vous avez été avec cet homme pendant quatre ans, mais entre autre rencontré M. Right ». Laissez-lui savoir à ce sujet. Il est important, et ne pas simplement ignorer la conversation parce que vous pensez qu'il va briser son cœur. Si c'est le cas, vous serez extrêmement injuste non seulement pour vous, mais aussi pour les deux autres hommes impliqués. J'ai passé beaucoup ... Un peu de dépenses ici et là peuvent être évités informations. Mais si vous avez eu une brèche importante dans votre portefeuille comme jamais auparavant, ou acheté quelque chose incroyablement extravagante, que ce soit des bijoux, des biens ou autre chose sous le soleil, il est préférable de laisser votre homme sait. Ces questions font une différence à la fois. Je suis bouleversé sa tante vous raillé sur la façon de vous habiller, ou la petite amie de son frère a clairement fait savoir qu'elle pense que vous êtes ennuyeux; rien à voir avec sa famille ou des amis qui vous fait mal à l'aise, de discuter avec lui. Dites-lui ce que vous ressentez à ce sujet et lui demande en outre s'il ya quelque chose que vous pouvez faire pour sauver la situation. aime, n'aime pas et plus de choses qui finissent par être une pomme de discorde, à long terme, tels que les préférences, les aversions, les préférences en termes de nourriture et d'autres activités, aussi les relations passées graves, ne doivent pas être conservés un secret de votre partenaire. Vous ne voulez pas courir dans les eaux troubles plus tard dans la vie, diriez-vous? je besoin d'espace Parfois vous avez juste besoin de votre temps seul et il n'y a pas deux manières à ce sujet. Mais assurez-vous quand vous avez besoin que l'espace de votre propre, vous dites à votre mec même, de sorte que vous pouvez éviter les conflits pour le moment. Vous savez, il ne saurait pas ce que vous ressentez en ce moment, sauf si vous lui dites. Compilé par Simi Kuriakose, TNN

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  • Miracle dans le métro de New York *** : Un aveugle sauvé par son chien-guide Cecil Williams, qui a été sauvé par son chien, a bien cru qu’il allait devoir l’abandonner faute d’argent. C’était sans compter sur la générosité des internautes, à une semaine de Noël. Mardi, alors qu’il se rendait chez le dentiste, Cecil Williams a fait un malaise dans le métro de New York. L’homme de 60 ans, aveugle depuis une méningite contractée en 1995, a chuté sur les rails alors qu’un train était en approche. Son chien-guide, un labrador noir du nom d’Orlando, n’a alors pas hésité à rejoindre son maître, ainsi que l’a raconté Matthew Martin, un témoin, au «New York Post»: «Il est tombé, et le chien a sauté. Il n’a pas été entraîné dans la chute.» Orlando lui a léché le visage et a aboyé jusqu’à ce qu’il reprenne connaissance. Cecil a alors repris conscience mais un train arrivait en station et ne lui laissait pas assez de temps pour se relever. Un employé du service de transport lui a donc intimé l’ordre de se glisser entre les rails afin d’éviter la collision. Obéissant, Orlando a fait de même: «Quand le train est arrivé, le chien n’a pas bougé, raconte Ana, un autre témoin. Le chien était loyal à son maître, il a essayé de le sauver. Il a risqué sa propre vie pour cela.» Même si le conducteur a freiné en urgence, un wagon et demi est passé au-dessus de Cecil et d’Orlando. Par miracle, Cecil s’en est tiré avec de très légères blessures, et Orlando n’a absolument rien eu. "Orlando, c’est mon meilleur pote" Cecil-Williams Cecil est réconforté par Anthony Duncan, le premier policier à lui avoir porté secours mardi. Les deux inséparables miraculés ont pourtant eu une grosse frayeur: à 11 ans, après sept ans de bons et loyaux services auprès de son maître, Orlando doit bientôt prendre sa retraite en tant que chien-guide, et l’assurance de Cecil ne couvre pas les frais engagés pour le canidé. Cecil avait donc pris la difficile décision d’abandonner son fidèle compagnon. Leur séparation a été évitée de justesse grâce à la générosité des internautes touchés par leur histoire: plus de 70 000 dollars ont été récoltés sur le site Indiegogo afin de payer les frais pour Orlando, qui redeviendra un animal de compagnie comme les autres, et Cecil pourra avoir un nouveau chien-guide. Une clinique vétérinaire new-yorkaise s’est portée volontaire pour offrir tous les soins nécessaires au héros à quatre pattes, relate le «New York Daily News». «Orlando, c’est mon meilleur pote. Il m’emmène dans le métro, dans le bus, partout où j’ai besoin d’aller. Il est très doux», a salué Cecil, visiblement très touché de la générosité d’inconnus à son égard: «L’esprit de Noël et tout cela… C’est vrai. C’est à New York», a-t-il déclaré, en larmes, depuis l’hôpital St Luke.

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